Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day Dreaming

I love Sunday's when it's a little rainy and Jeff and I don't have a lot going on.  We call these days "stay-cations".  Today was such a day.  Jeff played some video games and I did a little reading (haven't done that since last year in OBX).
We had a quick grilled ham and cheese for lunch and then I decided to wander around the internet and some other blogs and look at some garden pics.  Damn I really shouldn't have done that.  I look out the kitchen window at our back hill and dream of flat lush land with a few raised bed veggie gardens and beautiful flower and herb beds.  All tied into our pond and deer feeder.  Maybe an occasional wicker chair to relax in and brick, stone or wood paths to wonder around and enjoy the animals.  Of course I am knocked back to reality hearing my wonderful husband killing zombies in Left 4 Dead!  I look out again and face the fact that our back hill will never be anything more then a water run off and dirt.  :-(  A country girl living in the city can dream can't she?